Federal Bureau of Investigation
Chicago Citizens Academy
Alumni Association


Mission Statement

The Federal Bureau of Investigation Chicago Citizens Academy Alumni Association (“FBICCAAA” or “Association”) is an Association, distinct and separate from the FBI, and is designed to promote a safer community through community service projects and a process of educating the Chicago Community about law enforcement, with particular emphasis on the mission, resources, and priorities of the FBI. Working with key staff, volunteer leaders of FBI Citizens Alumni organizations, and its primary constituency, FBICCAAA’s goals include:

a) Providing FBICCAAA’s Alumni with opportunities to keep in touch with one another-and the FBI after they graduate;

b) Providing FBICCAAA’s development efforts with resources, training information and technical assistance supporting the use of best practices;

c) Promoting the importance of FBI Citizens Academies and FBI Citizens Academy Alumni organizations as community ambassadors educating local communities about federal law enforcement issues and challenges; and

d) Provide the Chicago FBI Field Offices with volunteer/non-financial support in community outreach programs.

The FBI Chicago Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from FBI.