Federal Bureau of Investigation
Chicago Citizens Academy
Alumni Association


The FBI Chicago Citizens Academy was established by the FBI Chicago Field Office in 2003 as part of its Community Outreach Program. The purpose of the Citizens Academy is to establish and foster relationships and understanding between FBI representatives and the Chicago community. The success and local impact of this Citizens Academy has been tremendous. The Citizens Academy has given experienced community, civic, religious and business leaders, as well as media executives, the opportunity to find out how the FBI "does business." Graduates of the Citizens Academyhave the opportunity to join the FBI Chicago Citizens Academy Alumni Association (“FBICCAAA”) upon graduation.

The FBI Chicago Field Office hosts one Citizens Academy per year in the Chicago Field Office (and periodically another class outside Chicago) that is approximately six weeks in length. Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be an experienced community, civic, religious, business leader or a media executive;
  • Must be 21 years old (with no prior felony arrests or convictions);
  • Must live or work with the jurisdiction of the FBI Chicago Field Office;
  • Must consent and pass a limited background investigation;
  • Must sign a non-disclosure agreement; and
  • SAC approval.
The FBI Chicago Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from FBI.