Federal Bureau of Investigation
Chicago Citizens Academy
Alumni Association

Board of Directors and Committees

The FBI Kansas City Citizens Academy Alumni Association leadership is comprised of the following community leaders.

Richard T. Bryant - President
Donna Wilson - Vice President, Communications
Valerie Minner - Secretary
  • Marty Cole
  • Valerie Coyazo
  • Jack Foley
  • Pat Kelly
  • Benny Lee
  • Dave Lamaster
  • Linda Linhoff
  • Mark Mazzarese
  • Valerie Minner
  • Mark McGilley
  • Frank Oddo
  • Norm Onnen
  • Judy Overton
  • Honorable Robert Serra
  • Donna Wilson

There are several committees that work diligently to make this organization effective and beneficial. We invite you to join one or more of the committees as your valuable input is welcome and encouraged.

Programs and Education Co-Chairs –Norm Onnen

This team plans and executes quarterly education events for graduates and members. If you are interested in joining this committee, email Norm at onnenne@kc.rr.com.

Social Chair – Valerie Minner

This team plans social events for members and invited guests. If you are interested in joining the social committee, email Valerie at vminner@gmail.com.

Endowment Chair – Dave Lamaster

This team works to develop partnerships and solicit funds from business foundations, trusts and individuals, as appropriate in Western Missouri and the State of Kansas for the purpose of building a financial endowment for the Fallen Officers Fund. If you are interested in joining or have prospective partnerships, email Dave at davelamaster1@gmail.com.

Graduation Co-Chairs – Pat Kelly and Judy Overton
This team plans and executes the two annual graduation events for the Spring and Fall classes in the FBI Citizens Academy eight-week educational program. If you are interested in joining this committee, email Pat at patk0318@gmail.com or Judy at jgoverton@yahoo.com.

Volunteers Chair – Judy Overton

This team secures volunteers for public events in which the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association needs a large number of people for assistance. If you are interested in volunteering for future events, email Judy at  jgoverton@yahoo.com.

The FBI Chicago Citizens Academy Alumni Association is a nonprofit organization separate and apart from FBI.